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Malicia Noticias

“Malicia” news is a different approach to the daily news in which the point of view comes from a sharp and peculiar Galician sense of humour. Perhaps this is the reason why Galician people enjoys the programme so much. The name of the programme comes from a playful blending between Galicia and “Malicia”, a Galician word that stands for mischievous or puckish behaviour.Extravagant interviewees, incredible news in which reality goes far beyond fiction, witty dubbings, critical and smarty opinions… “Malicia” news is a fresh parody of the regional TVG daily news bulletin. “Malicia” news tells what is going on every day in Galicia using a magic recipe of irony, sarcasm and wicked sense of humour. If a piece of the news bulletin talks about puddles in the roads, in “Malicia” news we use this footage to create a fictional character playing the role of “Puddlebuster” that travels to the location in order to solve the problem… The “Malicia” news team is ready to go where the news are and find a surrealistic way of telling the story.

Celtic Media Festival 2021
Malicia Noticias
Title in English
Entry Category
Spirit of the Festival
Produced By
Televisión de Galicia
Alfredo Alemparte
Directed By
Antón Cruces
Production Partners
Setemedia Producciones audiovisuales
Televisión de Galicia