Seisiún is a vibrant, engaging and dynamically produced Irish Language music series for RTE, showcasing the very finest of Ireland's traditional artists and performers in iconic contemporary settings. Each episode is shot ‘as live’ in a celebrated music venue associated with trad and folk music, and hosted by Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh. Each show will feature three/four bands plus individual traditional music performers, artists and musicians connecting with a live, in-person audience in the iconic venues of Connollys of Leap, Campbells in Headford, McGrory’s of Donegal and The Cobblestone in Dublin
- Title
- Seisiún
- Title in English
- Session
- Entry Category
- Live Music Programme (Screen)
- Produced By
- Sugartown Films
- Producer
- Síle Meaney/Brian Gray
- Directed By
- Paschal Cassidy
- Production Partners
- Writer
- Tristan Rosenstock
- Broadcaster
- RTE & RTE player