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Shellan Ellen ec y Valley

Shellan Ellen is a Manx language primary school education series created by Yn Skimmee Gaelgagh (The Manx Language Service), part of the Isle of Man Government's Department of Education, Sport and Culture. Four two-minute-long instalments were uploaded to YouTube and shared via social media. The episode being entered (the pilot) sees the little bee head to the farm to meet sheep dog, Jet, and to learn all about herding. Subtitles are available in Manx, Irish, and English for every episode. NB. Due to platform constraints, Manx subtitles are listed as English while English subtitles are under English (United Kingdom).

Shellan Ellen ec y Valley
Title in English
Ellen Bee at the Farm
Entry Category
Children's Programme (Screen)
Produced By
Yn Skimmee Gaelgagh
Peter Crellin / Sarah Quayle
Directed By
Peter Crellin / Sarah Quayle
Production Partners
Peter Crellin / Sarah Quayle
Yn Skimmee Gaelgagh / YouTube, Social Media